Kensington Osteopath specialising in MUMMY MOT - a post-natal examination for women following both vaginal and C-section deliveries. Helping new mums to restore their core, and safely return to training.

Click the button below for more info and discover how you can claim the postnatal check you deserve this month PLUS activate your core restore plan for even faster results.

Up to half of all women experience weakness in both the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles after pregnancy and up to a third still have a tummy gap at eight weeks post-birth. This can cause instability or poor core strength leading to women developing pelvic or back pain or bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction. These conditions should not be something you should just put up with as a result of having a baby.

Our Clients No Longer Struggle With weak pelvic floor muscles, lower back pain.

About Mommy MOT

A Mummy MOT® is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and C-section deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after childbirth. We will observe the functionality of your movements and balance, and examine your muscle activation, and c-section scar if applicable, to thoroughly assess your recovery the assessment can include an internal assessment. Your registered Mummy MOT Practitioner will provide you with gentle exercises and treatment to help with your recovery and allow you to return to exercise safely. Our registered Mummy MOT Practitioners are fully qualified and trained pelvic health physios that are specialised in assessing the strength and function of the tummy and pelvic floor muscles to help prevent long-term childbirth related complaints.

Request a call Back

All our practitioners are fully trained in postnatal therapy and licensed to carry out a Mummy MOT®. Mums need to bend, squat and lift so we provide postnatal clinical care and functional exercises for female clients following birth (no matter how long ago). Book your initial consultation or we can call you back with more info before coming in to the clinic.

1-Hour Assessment


  • Full postural screen.
  • Pelvic floor muscle assessment.
  • Abdominal muscle exam to check for any separation.
  • Screening for bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction.

Follow Up

  • Education and advice on safe activities such as lifting your baby or pushing a buggy.
  • Bespoke rehabilitation programme with your goals and lifestyle factors in mind.
  • A written report of the findings of your assessment.

Our Practisioners at LIT Mommy MOT understand you are the kind of  woman who wants to be the healthiest version of yourself. In order to be that way, you need 

to invest in the correct care package to suit your current situation. The challenge is after aving a baby can challenge your sense of control. You may worry that you don't have enough time, help, training, money, or emotional support to cope with your new post baby body, which makes you feel allowen lost and deflated. 

We believe that It's important to realize that you aren't alone, and that not every parent finds having children a fulfilling or rewarding experience straight away and how important working towards finding a strong body is for your mental health. We understand you may be experiancing Afterbirth pains, body aches, vaginal pain, hemorrhoids, night sweats, swollen breasts, and hair loss are temporary physical changes that come with pregnancy. That’s why our program is designed to take you through the process step by step to ensure that this time you get the results you want. 

Here’s  how it works

What’s your three-step plan:

  • step one arrange a discovery call,
  • step two book your in-studio initial assessment,
  • step three practice the core training and lifestyle changes to get the results before retesting 6 weeks later.

So arrange a Callback Discovery call, so you can stop procrastinating on your health and Well-being and start living a life with more energy and pain-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be expected to take off my cloths I had my baby years ago - can I still have a Mommy MOT?

Absolutely! The Mummy MOT® is for all women who have given birth and still suffering in some way. The sooner you make an appointment, the sooner your symptoms and issues will be alleviated. But, it's never too late to make an appointment. 

Will i be expected to take off my cloths

The Mummy MOT®  includes an internal pelvic exam and you will be required to remove the bottom half of your clothing. You will be asked to sign a consent form or give a verbal agreement before the exam takes place.

How long does the initial MOT take ?

The initial consultation can take up to an hour. It may take longer depending on your situation and symptoms. Follow up times will be discussed with you.

Can i bring a partner, baby or friend with me?

You should check the provisions for companions with the practitioner directly. Find your nearest here

How can i make a appointment ?

You can find your nearest practitioner on our website here along with their contact details. You should contact your nearest practitioner to make an appointment directly. Find your nearest practitioner

I have a question not answered here can you help?

Absolutely, please fill in the form below and we'll get back to you.